Page 13 - CSA Speaker Bulletin January 2017 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
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including the influx of migrants.          some of it is distributed to the poorest  how to tackle. Indeed, it is the main
                                           members of our society. And if to         challenge Europe faces in 2017. But if
And this brings me to the third            this precarious economic situation        our timid growth doesn’t splutter, and
threat Europe is facing; the return        you add mass immigration, which           if effective steps are taken to stabilise
of populism. It isn’t difficult to         creates even more competition at          the source of the migratory influx,
understand where the populists             the lower ends of the economic            then perhaps in 2017 we will see the
are coming from. Over the last few         order, you get a potentially explosive    first glimmers of light on this front
decades, capitalism has succeeded in       situation. This is a thorny issue, and    too. n
creating wealth but not in ensuring        one which we have not yet understood

Europe                                     the lack of national leadership been so   and a European Security Service.
Must Be                                    paralyzing.                               From February onwards, European
Everyone’s                                                                           and national parliaments must
Business In                                2017 will remain                          adopt CETA, the EU-Canada trade
2017                                       fraught with dangers.                     agreement, so that it serves as our
                                                                                     blueprint to shape globalization. A
A poly-crisis has                          Ahead of important elections in the       truly-European Digital Single Market,
Europe firmly in its                       Netherlands, France and Germany           if unlocked, could also create a real
grip.                                      support for Geert Wilders’s Party for     economic and social push.
                                           Freedom, Marine Le Pen’s National
Externally, our continent is faced with    Front and Frauke Petry’s Alternative      It is high time to move
instability in its Eastern and Southern    for Germany is growing. Eurosceptics      the EU forward.
neighbourhood. Ukraine has lost its        want to shut their countries away.
territorial integrity. Turkey is drifting  They capitalize on the all-pervasive      In 2016, Europe has shown it could
towards authoritarianism. Syria is hell    feeling of insecurity among               act: with the creation of the European
on earth. A ring of friends has become     Europeans.                                Border and Coast Guard, with Apple’s
a ring of fire.                            To restore trust, the EU must offer an    €13 billion tax bill, and soon with the
Internally, Member States bury their       alternative. Instead of walls, bridges    strengthening of its Trade-Defence
heads in sands of national interest.       must be built. Notwithstanding            Instruments.
Many countries, such as Poland,            the launch of the exit procedure in       Marked by the 60th Anniversary of
Hungary or Slovakia, refuse to share       March, Europe must use the Brexit-        the Rome Treaties, next year will be
responsibilities. The UK has decided       momentum to strengthen its ability to     pivotal. While our Union is at stake,
to leave the Union. And Spain might        act, with a European Defence Union        Europe must be everyone’s business
break apart. Our Union is diseased                                                   in 2017, and not only the endeavour of
with disunity.                                                                       those who want to destroy it. n
Seldom has the imperative for
common action been so clear, not                                                     Viviane Reding is a member
least to beat terrorism and to manage                                                of the European Parliament
the influx of refugees. But seldom has                                               and is former Vice-President
                                                                                     of the European Commission,
                                                                                     with responsibility for justice,
                                                                                     fundamental rights and

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