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Mark Schneider

Nuclear Futurist

Mark Schneider is a nuclear futurist, a leading expert in emerging Gen IV Nuclear and the President of Gen IV Nuclear Inc. with over two decades of experience in the Nuclear Industry both in the United States Navy and as a commercial power plant operator.

"A strong advocate of nuclear energy as a green solution"

Mark Schneider


Mark has a bachelor's degree in Nuclear Engineering Technology. He has utilised his skills from his past Nuclear experience to develop his ability to educate and train the public on the emerging Gen IV Nuclear Technologies. His experience is beyond just the operations of nuclear power plants but also how new technologies can be associated with nuclear power. His Green Nuclear Deal is the answer to Climate Change that answers both the environment and economical effects. Gen IV will make negative CO2 emissions technologies viable. The idea is to directly suck carbon dioxide out of the air. There are start-ups working on this now and Gen IV Nuclear will make this a viable technology for the future.

Seine Vorträge

Mark Schneider explains to audiences worldwide why he believes nuclear is much safer and cleaner than commonly believed. He sees Nuclear Energy as the greenest solution for decarbonising the grid but specifically utilising advance Generation IV Nuclear designs that are safe from meltdown and many have the ability to consume Nuclear waste as fuel.

Sein Vortragsstil

Mark is an expert in taking the high technical nuclear engineering information and making it understandable for all concerned people.


He presents in English.

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  • Can Nuclear Energy Be Green?
  • Green Nuclear Deal
  • Gen IV Nuclear Technology
  • Environmental & Economic Interest Converge

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