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Alberto Lorente

Managing Director of Skype Spain

Alberto Lorente is Director of Skype Spain, the world's leading VOIP software provider enabling users worldwide to make cheap telephone calls over the internet using their PC. For a number of months now Alberto has been working hard to develop niche markets which can benefit from the VOIP technology and to raise the profile of Skype both in Spain and around the globe.

"Spain's leading internet telecommunications expert"

Alberto Lorente

In detail

Previously Alberto Lorente was a telecommunications expert and has also played a key part in the design, development and application of a number of internet start ups. His main area of research has been based on the telecommunications industry and the way in which the internet is affecting the sector and he is recognised as one of the world's global experts in this area.

What he offers you

With a wealth of experience and comprehensive research projects behind him, Alberto talks knowledgeably about the impact of Skype and the benefits which companies will be able to reap from this cutting edge technology.

How he presents

Alberto's presentations are immaculately prepared and filled with a veritable wealth of new ideas and useful actionable information based on real life examples from his extensive career.


He speaks Spanish and English.

Want to know more?

Give us a call or send us an e-mail to find out exactly what he could bring to your event.

How to book Alberto Lorente?

Simply phone, fax or e-mail us.


  • Skype Software
  • Business Opportunities Using Skype
  • New Technologies
  • The Power of the Internet
  • The Changing Face of Telecommunications in the 21st Century

May we help?

To discuss how we can help find the right speaker for your organization, call us on
0044 845 216 0100

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