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Professor Henrik Schärfe

CEO, Foundation Autonomous

Henrik Schärfe is a Researcher, Strategist, Global thinker, keynote speaker and is currently CEO of Foundation Autonomous. The Foundation is the natural result of extensive work on developing strategies for disruptive technologies

"TIME 100 honouree"

Professor Henrik Schärfe


In May 2011, Henrik revealed a robotic version of himself, called a Geminoid-DK. The Geminoid-DK is a tele-operated Android in the geminoid series. Its actions are controlled remotely by a person operating a computer, but it is programmed with Henrik's own unique body movements, such as shrugs and glances. He is also the principle investigator of the Geminoid-DK research project. The android regularly receives guests at his office at the university, and also takes part in events and experiments in many different locations, trying to shed light on human robot relations. The Geminoid is an amazing thinking tool that replenishes power to some very deep questions, including the role that technology plays in our present and future lives.

Seine Vorträge

Prof. Henrik Schärfe talks about blended presence where he can be present, or absent, in two places at the same time. Giving an object a face or a voice and we can project our humanity upon it. He shares with his audiences how machines are not rivals or friends; they are tools. Contemplating them helps us learn more about ourselves and how best to shape our future.

Sein Vortragsstil

Prof. Schärfe sees the world with a different set of eyes and he is very practical in putting new ideas into practice. His tailored presentations will be unlike anything you have ever seen before and are guaranteed to amaze and amuse audiences at prestigious events around the world.


He presents in English.

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  • Artificial Intelligence
  • The Role of Technology
  • Boundaries between Humans and Machines
  • Roboticist
  • Innovation/Creativity
  • Communication


  • 2009
    Conceptual Structures in Practice (Chapman & Hall/CRC Studies in Informatics Series)
  • 2006
    Conceptual Structures: Inspiration and Application

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