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Sir Christopher Pissarides

2010 Joint Nobel Prize Winner for Economics

Sir Christopher Pissarides was jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2010. He is holder of the Norman Sosnow Chair in Economics at the London School of Economics. He has served on the European Employment Task Force and is an authority on employment policy and other labour issues.

"His book 'Equilibrium Unemployment Theory' is a standard reference in the economics of unemployment"

Sir Christopher Pissarides

In detail

Sir Christopher served as Vice President of the European Economic Association in 2009, becoming President Elect in 2010 and President in 2011. He has served as Head of the Economics Department at LSE, and is an elected Fellow of the British Academy, the Econometric Society, the European Economic Association and the Society of Labour Economists. He is also a Non-National Senior Associate, Forum for Economic Research in the Arab Countries, Iran and Turkey and a former member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Central Bank of Cyprus.

What he offers you

Sir Christopher provides specialist analysis of the economics of unemployment, labour-market theory, labour-market policy and growth and structural change. He explains the importance of structural change and economic performance as indicators of the strategies required to stimulate economic growth.

How he presents

Sir Christopher explanations are clear, informative and expertly delivered, making him one of the most sought-after Nobel Laureates.


He presents in English.

Want to know more?

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  • Macroeconomics of Labour Markets
  • Structural Change
  • Economic Growth Indicators
  • Comparative Economic Performance
  • The Economics of Unemployment
  • Wage Inequality
  • Labour Market Policy


  • 2011
    Job Matching, Wage Dispersion and Unemployment (Iza Prize in Labour Economic Series)
  • 2009
    Labour Market Adjustment: Microeconomic Foundations of Short-Run Neoclassical and Keynesian Dynamics
  • 1990
    Equilibrium Unemployment Theory (now in its second edition)
  • 1985
    Short-Run Equilibrium Dynamics of Unemployment, Vacancies and Real Wages
  • 1976
    Labour Market Adjustment

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0044 845 216 0100

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