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World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2020

26th February 2020 - 1700 days ago

The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos-Klosters is the foremost creative force for engaging the world's top leaders in collaborative activities to shape the global, regional and industry agendas at the beginning of each year.

It brought together 3,000 participants from around the world, and aimed to give concrete meaning to “stakeholder capitalism”, assist governments and international institutions in tracking progress towards the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals, and facilitate discussions on technology and trade governance.

This platform for impact has included in recent years strategists and thinkers such as Professor Stiglitz and Parag Khanna, who have contributed their deep economic insights. Wolfgang Ischinger has focused on security on the global stage and Lynda Gratton has spoken on the future of the workplace.

This year Dambisa Moyo spoke on the Democratic Capitalism: Dead End or Shared Destiny panel as well as participated in a Yahoo Finance Interview.

Dambisa Moyo

Dambisa Moyo

International Economist & Global Bestselling Author

The 2020 Annual Meeting was among the most sustainable international summits ever held. It was fully carbon neutral through reducing, calculating and offsetting event-related emissions.

Initiatives put in place to achieve this goal included using locally-sourced food suppliers, introducing alternative sources of protein to reduce meat consumption, sourcing 100% renewable electricity, and reducing or eliminating the use of materials that cannot easily be recycled or re-used, such as carpets and introducing more electric vehicles.

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CSA News

  • Joschka Fischer delivered excellence itself. Our top corporate investors were totally won over.
  • Klaus Schweinsberg's message was perfect for our management meeting in Germany, totally engaging.
  • Our group meeting loved Sahar Hashemi, she was totally engaging, inspiring us all with her great story.
  • Don Strickland had excellent content in his speech and gave us some great examples to follow.
  • José María Figueres has an excellent presence and quality, he had great interaction with the audience.
  • Daniel Sieberg was excellent. He tailored his speech perfectly to our youth audience - top quality.