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One Net, One Future

29th October 2015 - 3110 days ago


There are vast areas of new opportunity and potential sources of efficiency for organisations of all sizes, which have been provided by technological developments. However these new technologies have also brought unprecedented threats with them. Cyber security – defined as the protection of systems, networks and data in cyberspace – is a critical issue for all businesses. This issue will become ever more important as more devices, ‘the internet of things’, become connected to the internet. There are a number of experts who comment and advise on ‘all things cyber’.
Carl Bildt, Chair of the Global Commission on Internet Governance, recently wrote an article talking about One Net, One Future, alerting us to the opportunities and pitfalls of an inter-connected world. Viviane Reding, a formidable force in European politics, has been instrumental in working towards the General Data Protection Regulation. She discussed the recent transatlantic agreement between the US and the EU to strengthen data protection.

Carl Bildt

Carl Bildt

Former Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs

Joshua Klein is a fervent hacker of all things and speaks and consults on new and emerging technologies that improve people’s lives. Marco Gercke is the Director of Cybercrime Research Institute and is an expert on global security issues, advising and consulting with governments, international organisations and the private sector. Kevin Mitnick is a trusted security consultant to the Fortune 500 and governments worldwide, demonstrating how to develop a creative and engaging security program and adopt good security habits. Daniel Domscheit-Berg, former WikiLeaks spokesperson and editor is now a transparency and internet security advocate across the globe.

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