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Middle East Experts Discuss the Crisis in Syria

29th August 2013 - 3900 days ago

Dr. Florence Eid Prompted amidst the Arab Spring by protests in mid-March 2011, the crisis in Syria has evolved from a civil uprising with minor protests to what is now being classified a civil war by some with casualties of more than 100,000 lives.

In recent months, evidence has come to light that Syria has implemented the use of chemical weapons. This, amongst countless human rights violations, has forced the western world to react. As U.N. inspectors comb their way through the outskirts of Damascus, the US, UK and key allies feel a point has been reached which calls for joint military action to protect civilian lives. Great Britain has drafted a UN Security Council resolution “condemning the chemical weapons attack by Assad” and has called for the UN to authorize necessary (military) measures.

There are many questions pending, waiting to be answered in the coming days/weeks/months. How did we get to this point? What are the options moving forward? How does this affect the region, the economy, the world, us?

As western intervention looms, the experts on the Middle East, foreign policy and the macroeconomic and geopolitical landscape of the MENA region such as Dr. Florence Eid - Founder & CEO of Arabia Monitor,

Dr. Florence Eid

Florence DECEASED !! Eid-Oakden

Founder & CEO of Arabia Monitor

Dr. Nasser H. SaidiDr. Nasser H. Saidi - Executive Director of the Hawkamah-Institute for Corporate Governance, Lord Richard Dannatt – British Army Chief of the General Staff 2006-2009, Frank Gardner – the BBC’s security correspondent and Mohamed ElBaradei - former Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency and Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Her Excellency Najla Al AwadhiHer Excellency Najla Al Awadhi - a former Member of Parliament of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and a distinguished media leader in the Middle East are here to answer those questions. During this critical time as the world waits our prayers are with those affected by this human tragedy.

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