Page 9 - CSA Speaker Bulletin September 2018 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
P. 9

Analog                                   Customers and demand                        Digital
Pushes products into the market                                                      Pulls ideas from the market
Driven by purchasing and supply                                                      Driven by customer demand
Strong hierarchy                                                                     Flat hierarchy
Slow decision making                                                                 Rapid decision making
Process and task orientation                                                         Result and product orientation
                                                                                     Empowered employees (“find a
Defined tasks (“do this job”)                                                        way to achieve a goal”)
                                                                                     Understands needs of digital
Understands needs of longstanding        Attitudes and ways of working               customers and how to adopt
customers and how to fulfill them                                                    new trends
                                                                                     Orientation toward innovation,
Orientation toward status quo, past                                                  improvement, and overcoming
lessons, and accepting constraints                                                   constraints
                                                                                     Potential, vision, curiosity,
Experience and stability count                                                       motivation, flexibility, and
                                                                                     adaptability count
Homogenous teams, working within                                                     Mixed teams working in
departmental silos                                                                   cross-functional and integrated
Career progression within defined                                                    communities
paths                                                                                Strong collaboration and
Focus on planning and optimization                                                   rapid, unpredictable career
                                                                                     Focus on rapid launch and

Very often people argue that it should   rain down upon you, the more you            Fons Trompenaars is known
not be either/or when dealing with       need to talk to someone about these.        all over the world for his
a dilemma but and/and. We argue          Merrill Lynch, for example, is using the    work as a consultant, trainer,
that and/and might still negate the      Internet to give better personal service    motivational speaker and
synergetic interaction between the two.  (using high technology) to its high touch   author of many books on
So you might still have analog AND       customers, but also use the Internet to     the subject of culture and
digital that are presented separately.   identify those high tech customers for      business. He has spent
With through/through you ask yourself    whom it makes good business sense to        over 25 years helping
the question: how can I THROUGH          offer high touch.                           Fortune 500 leaders and
the use of digital improve our analog                                                professionals manage and
offering. I raise the approaches shown   It is quite interesting to note that where  solve their business and
above that distinguish the analog and    the high-touch and Bricks organizations     cultural dilemmas to increase
the digital world.                       are trying to integrate the digital         global effectiveness and
                                         high-tech through clicks, there is a        performance, particularly in
Going for the clicks that                countervailing development where            the areas of globalization,
stick                                    we see that Amazon is going to build        mergers and acquisition, HR
                                         shops. Bookstore owners often think of      and leadership development.
We need High Tech but we also need as the enemy. Now it’s
High Touch. The more those numbers       becoming one of them.

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