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The Rise AND Rise of Futurists

The main objective of futurists is to understand the key concepts of future thinking, mapping the future with alternatives or
scenarios, and influencing the future with visions, plans and designs. Today many businesses are bringing corporate futurists
into the mainstream. They look well beyond their own industries to understand how economic, social and technological forces will
shape consumer demand and impact their bottom line. Businesses should be doing everything they can to future-proof themselves
– employing futurists is one prong of a multi-faceted approach. We focus on just a few of the outstanding, ground-breaking and
influential futurists who speak to corporate audiences around the world, helping them shape their future. n

Martin Lindstrom                         Jonas Kjellberg                           Andreas Ekström

is a brand futurist                      is a serial                               is a futurist and
and bestselling                          entrepreneur and                          commentator on the
author. He advises                       founding member                           digital revolution.
Fortune 100                              of Skype. He                              He understands
companies on how                         also lectures on                          the behaviours that
to build future-proof brands. He is a    entrepreneurship and innovative           have become culturally, technologically
global expert and remarkable pioneer     thinking. He advises business leaders     and commercially drivers of change
in the fields of consumer psychology,    across the board in developing their      at all levels of society. He looks into
brand marketing and neuro-scientific     sales strategies and in creating a sales  new user demands, gathering of data,
research. Martin is a visionary who      culture to face new customer demands.     design and technology strategies.
unveils how to use emerging techniques   The combination of academic               Andreas helps decision makers to
for building strong, international       knowledge and real-life experience        understand the tech world from a
brands.                                  gives Jonas an advantageous edge.         human perspective.

Stefan Hytffors                          Ray Hammond                               Nicklas Bergman

is an acclaimed                          is Europe’s most                          is a serial tech
futurist and change                      experienced                               entrepreneur,
agent, focusing                          futurologist. Ray                         angel investor
on disruptive                            helps companies                           and futurist. He
technologies,                            navigate the                              focuses on emerging
behavioural change and next              hyper-competitive virtual economy         technologies and searches for new
generation leadership. His vision is to  and illuminates how best to prepare       opportunities which arise from the ever
help as many companies as possible to    your organisation for what the future     changing technological landscape.
embrace disruptive change on a global    holds. He is a hugely renowned            He takes a holistic approach,
scale to create a better future. Stefan  author, with his books time and again     communicating what we might expect
shows that with disruptive technologies  accurately predicting the importance      from a technological perspective and
and the power of networks we can         of phenomena such as a blueprint for      how technological development will
find new business models and create      e-commerce and the emergence of           affect us as individuals, companies and
wealth.                                  super-intelligent machines.               society as a whole.

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