Page 14 - CSA Speaker Bulletin October 2019 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
P. 14


Interview with


Chantal Rickards               You talk about the power                 need an image change and want
is a former CEO and            of content and brands                    to look greener, more philanthropic
spokesperson for BAFTA,        working together. What                   and ethical. Greenwashing can be
Los Angeles, running           benefits does this have                  achieved through clever content
high profile events and        for both the consumer                    marketing.
talent-led initiatives. She    and the creator?
talks to us here on how                                                 You have been working
philanthropic and cause        The creator of content is always         in Hollywood for a
related content is being       looking for funding sources and          number of years; what
used to shine a light on       since the dawn of soap operas,           do you feel is the most
pressing global issues, in     which were funded by soap powder         important or exciting
addition to sharing her        manufacturers, there are increasing      insight you have gained
experiences and views          occurrences of content being             during your time there?
about the power of content     supported by brands.
and brands working                                                      Hollywood is a behemoth - it’s ‘deal
together.                      Brands on the other hand are always      town’, and finding one’s way around
                               looking to increase awareness of         takes years, if only because people sit
                               a product with a view to a sale          in their cars for an inordinate amount
                               somewhere further down the               of wasted time driving from one side
                               transaction chain, not necessarily       of the 405 to the other or from the
                               immediately. Content can also            West Side to the Valley. I managed
                               be used well to help position or         four years with a bicycle and an Uber
                               reposition a brand in its market place.  account and people thought I was
                               A consumer’s brand sentiment can         crazy.
                               be massaged through the brands
                               partnering with appropriate content.     Hollywood has changed dramatically
                               Think of all the brands now that         since my arrival, with the rise of the

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