Page 16 - CSA Speaker Bulletin March 2018 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
P. 16


While we hold the truth to be               real hope, and exceptional ideas         neuroinformatics, artificial intelligence
self-evident that happiness is de           combined with fruitful action.           and portable neurotech solutions.
facto better than unhappiness,              Our global research on what followers
our research on how leaders help            want from leaders largely reveals        Recently he commended the World
individuals and organizations make          that people want to be understood,
significant changes to survive in this      to be developed according to their       Government Summit 2018 in Dubai
digital world comes, not from joy,          strengths and appetites, and to          on their work. At this summit the
but from thoughtful and considered          collaborate in real conversation with    Global Dialogue for Happiness Forum
dissatisfaction with the status quo. It is  the very people best positioned          launched the first Global Happiness
only when people are UNhappy with           to provide them the guidance and         Report. This is a distillation of ideas
the current state that they are willing     growth opportunities needed to           and experiments from around the
to unmoor themselves from what              secure a successful future in an         world and the aim is to assemble
they know and tackle the challenges         uncertain era: their leaders.            global evidence about which policies
required to move into a better future.      Maybe this is happiness redefined for    are likely to be most effective in
                                            the digital age: the Age of Disruption.  enabling better lives.

Do you doubt this?

Then consider the following: what           Olivier Oullier is a neuroscientist,
utterly contented overweight person
succeeds at a diet? What self-              strategist and expert on healthcare
satisfied 98-pound weakling sweats          and consumer behaviour. He is the
over barbells? What teenager                former Head of Strategy in Global
shrugging off bad grades and dim            Health and Healthcare and member
prospects rolls up her sleeves and          of the Executive Committee of the
launches into extra credit work?            World Economic Forum who named
                                            him a Young Global Leader. Olivier
A better word for the positive state        is President at EMOTIV, which
of being that “happiness” is meant          contributes to the effort to improve
to capture is some combination              wellness in the workplace and brain
of nervous realism combined with            health globally with personalised

And Finally........

Theoretical physicist Albert Einstein had a great influence on the philosophy of science. It seems he also had a
good grasp on the philosophy of happiness. A note written by the great scientist containing advice on happy
living has sold at an auction house in Jerusalem for $1.56m (£1.19m). Einstein gave the note to a courier in Tokyo
in 1922 instead of a tip. When the courier came to his room to make a delivery, he did not have any money to
tip him. However, Einstein had just heard that he had won the coveted Nobel Prize for physics and told the
messenger that, if he was lucky, the note would become valuable.

The signed note - using stationery of the Imperial Hotel Tokyo - contained one sentence, written in German:
"A calm and humble life will bring more happiness than the pursuit of success and the constant restlessness that
comes with it." Now that the note has been sold, we can only hope that the buyer is happy with their decision.

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