Page 10 - CSA Speaker Bulletin June 2019 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
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               Rodney Brooks

Rodney Brooks is Professor of             zero. Count & retweet this then.          off that capability at this time. Again,
Robotics (emeritus) at MIT. He                                                      hardly autonomous, even if they were
is a robotics entrepreneur and            I think these three criteria need to be   to meet that goal. Imagine having
most recently was Founder,                met before someone can say that we        a breakdown of your car that you
Chairman and CTO of Rethink               have autonomous taxis on the road.        are driving once every 13 miles - we
Robotics. Brooks is looking for                                                     expect better.
the holy grail of robotics – one          The first challenge, no human
that can figure things out for            safety driver, has not been met by a      And if normal human beings can’t
itself, like humans do.                   single experimental deployment of         simply use these services and go
                                          autonomous vehicles on public roads       anywhere that they can go in a
When I saw someone tweeting               anywhere in the world. They all have      current day taxi, then really the things
             that Musk had made           safety humans in the vehicle. A few       deployed will not be autonomous
                                          weeks ago I saw an autonomous             taxis. They will be something else.
             comments stating that a      shuttle trial along the paved             Calling them taxis would be redefining
                                          beachside public walkways at the          what a taxi is. And if you can just
million autonomous taxis would be on      beach on which I grew up, in Glenelg,     redefine words on a whim there is
                                          South Australia, where there were         really not much value to your words.
the road by 2020, I tweeted out the       “two onboard stewards to ensure
                                          everything runs smoothly” along with      I am clearly sceptical about seeing
following:                                eight passengers.                         autonomous cars on our roads in the
                                                                                    next few years. In the long term I am
Let’s count how many truly                Today’s demonstrations are just not       enthusiastic. But I think it is going to
autonomous (no human safety driver)       autonomous. In fact Uber’s target is to   take longer than most people think.
Tesla taxis (public chooses destination   have their safety drivers intervene only
& pays) will be on regular streets        once every 13 miles, but they are way
(unrestricted human driven cars on the
same streets) on December 31, 2020.
It will not be a million. My prediction:

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